divendres, 15 de maig del 2009

Olympic kate

Her name is Kate Armstrong and she is 17 years old. She loves gymnastics and her dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympics. She fights for her dream. First her team and she won the British Women´s Team Championship for seniors, and then they travel to Belarus where she meets her greatest rival, Estelle Lorraine, the arrogant French girl. All the girls have to take the blood test. But Kate had some drugs in her body and she can´t participate in the Olympics.
Finally, the police discovered a residue of drugs in Monique´s room and she has to confess . Kate has to take the blood test again and she can participate and she is the champion and her dream comes true!
I like this book because I love gymnastics too and my dream is the same.

2 comentaris:

carmina ha dit...

Good job, Nil. You've worked pretty well. Please remember to upload your formal letter.
You deserve a B mark.

carmina ha dit...

Where are the compositions from batxillerat?